My name is James Richards and am married to Claire for 18 years. We have been blessed with two beautiful children Amelia and Cameron who currently attend St John Church in Wales High school. I work as a funeral director with Richards Funeral Services and it has been a blessing to be able to help so many people over the years through difficult times.
It is also a massive privilege to be able to serve God within Oasis Community Church as part of the leadership team as we seek to serve our community in many different ways and to show God’s Love for them.
Away from work and church life, I love to spend time with my children, keeping fit and watching various sports.

All by the grace of God, I’m privileged to be a husband, blessed to be a father and also honoured to be a grandfather.
I married my beautiful wife Cath way back in 1987 and throughout that time, we have been so thankful for the privilege of serving God together in various churches in Aberdare. We are also very grateful to the Lord that by His grace, both of our children are also actively involved in His work at Oasis Community Church in Aberdare.
Cath has now retired from her position as a clerical officer in the National Health Service and I’m also retired after 20 plus years of working in the I.T. field at a multi-national insurance company.
Working for the Lord at Oasis has been the best experience of our lives and we have seen incredible growth with God transforming so many lives.
Cath is responsible for heading up the under-5s children’s work called Oasis Tots. I am involved in the Worship team and have some teaching responsibilities also.
When Oasis was formed in October 2015, the banner over the entrance read ‘Blessed Beyond Measure’. That was prophetic because we have experienced God’s blessing in every area of our lives. My prayer is that God continues to bless as we are careful to listen to His voice and to follow His leading in the future.

My name is Nathan Parmee and alongside my wife, Sophie Parmee, we are blessed beyond measure to be serving the Lord in Oasis. Even though I may seem young to be part of the leadership team at Oasis, I am extremely grateful and blessed that the opportunity to serve the Lord has come so early in my life.
I discovered God’s grace, for the first time in 2016 when I found my salvation in Jesus Christ. Since then I have been on a wonderful journey with God who has grown, challenged, stretched and developed me in so many ways which I never thought possible. BUT the God we serve can do immeasurably more than we can ever ask or imagine so although I know that there is a long road in front of me, I am looking forward with great joy to the challenge of growing and personal development in my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am currently working four days per week for Richards Funeral Services and then I have the blessing to work one day a week for the Lord in Oasis Community Church. At Richards Funeral Services I have to deal with death on a daily basis but in my ministry at Oasis I feel so blessed that I also have the opportunity to deal with life on a daily basis, true life in Jesus Christ.
Oasis Community Church is a contemporary Church which God has blessed with a relevant vision and facilities to reach our Community, alongside a capacity to truly love and help people with a message of hope while standing on the truths of Scripture.
So if you want to discover more or just want a chat then please feel free to call or email myself or any of the other leaders. We will be more than happy to help you discover all that you can be in the plan that God has for your life.

My name is Matthew Harris and I have been a Christian since April 1997.
I have the absolute privilege of serving full time on the team at Oasis Community Church together with my wife Mel.
Mel and I have been married for more than 20 years, after meeting as staff members at Teen Challenge uk, a Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation ministry.
We also have 3 lovely children, Bethan, Samuel and Joshua.
Part of our role within Oasis is to serve in the capacity of outreach. We also serve under the banner of Challenge Valleys which is an ‘addiction’ outreach ministry set up to supply support and advice to anyone struggling with addiction and/or their families. As part of that support we help with referrals to Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres for anyone in addiction serious about change.
As soon as Covid restrictions allow We will be based at Oasis House in Penywaun, Aberdare and we encourage you to drop in for a cuppa and chat once we are in.
If in the meantime you just want to give us a call to find out what we do please feel free to call us on 07793213377.
We have seen so many lives changed and transformed by the good news about Jesus Christ and know that there is nobody beyond His reach. Please join us at Oasis Community Church and you will see that we are just ordinary people who have experienced an extra-ordinary God and you too can find new life and experience that same love and acceptance that come only from Him.